Tuesday, December 31, 2013

2013...What a year it was !!

The year 2013 has ended and 2014 has arrived. Oh yes we are still alive and not seen the apocalypse of 2012 yet. We all fancied that we wouldn't see 2013 at all after watching the movie 2012 and imagining all the the devastation that would have happened. I guess the Mayans were wrong and one more year has passed. May be they meant something else. Who knows...we don't give a shit.

Moving on...talking about 2013. It was one the most exciting year that i experienced. All my excitement had stopped right after passing out from college and entering into the corporate world. Years passed and on the last day of each year i felt i wasted another year doing nothing but just work like a robot.

But 2013 was different. It was a happening year for me. Well to be more specific the year was  divided as the first half being absolutely dull and the other half full of happiness. The year 2013 started with the same old regular routine. Working my ass off in the Sarkari IT company (you can guess this) doing the same old production support work. It was too boring for me. 

To top it up my promotion was delayed further. I worked day and night to accomplish the unattainable goals defined in the so called goal sheets but it all went in vain. I got good ratings but it was not reflected on my pay. And every time when i spoke to my manager about it , all that i got was only one stupid answer "You are just doing what others are doing...there is nothing different that you are doing...Do something more".

Exactly how it was 
Months passed and i was closing in on completing 5 years working in the IT industry. 5 years of more downs and less ups. My job was boring. My life was mechanical. I use to travel a lot....over 3-4 hours daily to be precise. There was nothing exciting in it. It was the month of May when i decided to either quit my job or take a break and do something different. Quitting the job and joining another IT consulting company would have landed me up in the same situation. Before beginning my IT career i always wanted to study more and travel abroad. It was always on the cards. Travelling to another country was one thing that i always wanted to do as i believed that travelling makes us a better person. But the corporate world screwed me up and drained all the enthusiasm and will out of me. And to my bad luck i was never even remotely considered by the company for sending me abroad to work. There is a saying that "When the going gets tough the tough get going". And i am person who does not give up so easily.

So i thought about it and decided it was the right time for me to pursue my personal goals rather than sitting in the office and trying to accomplish those ridiculous Goals sheets. And then the second half of the year began.

Second Half of the year 2013: 

So i had decided to apply for admission in the Canadian colleges and do my PG. I got admits from few colleges and gave the exam. It all passed through swiftly. And to my surprise I got my visa for Canada very quickly. I never imagined it to happen so quickly considering my sheer bad luck working for over almost 5 years and getting nothing out of it. This is when all the excitement began for me. I started doing things which i never did before. Started experiencing new things. Few of those were 

1. Travelled by Plane for the first time ever in my life (Yayy !!)
Yes....Lufthansa it was!!
2. Stepped in another country 

3. Played tennis for the first time 

Well just imagine me as next Rafael Nadal in the making :-P

4. Played golf for the first time

Like a Pro !!

5. Became a chef (For Survival) 

One of my speciality dishes...Mutter(Matter) Paneer !!

6. Experienced snowfall (Chilling and Thrilling)
First ever snowfall experience..It felt like Large flakes fell from heaven as if the angels were having a pillow fight and the goose down fell to our humble homes.

7. Experienced white Christmas and a  New Year Celebration in another country 
New Years eve

8. Visited the Niagara falls 

This is a rare view

9. Went to a Casino 

To loose some money :-/

10. Started writing blogs

Started writing some crap things

11. And also went back to college again :-)

Well that was a wrap of 2013. There is a saying that "Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all". To succeed, you must dare to live the dream for which you need to take risks.  I am extremely happy that i took the risk and made my decisions quickly . A lot things are yet to be done. 2014 is going to be a fun year for me and looking forward to it.  Expect more boring posts soon :-)